Wet Chemistry Testing and Analysis
- Physical & Aggregate Properties
- Residue / Solids Analysis – TS, TDS, TSS, VSS
- Alkalinity, Hardness, Conductivity, Salinity, Temperature
- Inorganic Nonmetallic Constituents
- pH, Chlorine (Residual), Chloride, Nitrogen Ammonia, Sulfide
- Dissolved Oxygen, Total & Reactive Phosphorus, Chromium VI
- Aggregate Organic Constituents
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD, CBOD)
- Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Oil & Grease, Total Phenols
Wet Chemistry parameters are performed at EAS primarily for wastewater permitted analysis for our clients. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater is the source for most of our analysis references. EPA methodology is referenced for Total Phenols (EPA 420.1) and Anions/Amines by Ion Chromatography (EPA 300.0). HACH Method 8000 is the reference method for COD. NELAP accreditation is maintained in the State of Texas and Louisiana by EAS for all routine wet chemistry parameters performed. Client specific analyses are also performed for a number of our clients. We work closely with our clients to provide any requested support analysis.
Instrumentation for analyses in our Wet Chemistry Department includes HACH for spectroscopy functions, Orion for Dissolved Oxygen & Ion-Select Electrode, Metrohm instrumentation for Ion Chromatography and OI-Corporation for TOC analysis. EAS always continues to update instrumentation and support equipment in order to achieve the analytical needs of our clients. Our reporting is a priority for Project Management, who coordinates with our Technical Operations Management team and supervisors to facilitate timely throughput and reporting.