Learn More About NELAP
NELAP or the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program is a national set of standards accredited at the state level that makes certain environmental laboratories across the United States are held to the same level of performance. NELAP brings the industries best set of practices and quality control requirements to laboratories analyzing environmental samples.
The NELAC Institute (TNI) is the governing body that recognizes state agencies as NELAP Accreditation Bodies. Founded in 2006, TNI has worked tirelessly to bring environmental laboratory standards across the nation to superb levels. EAS is accredited in the states of Texas and Louisiana. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the Accreditation Body in Texas, and the Department of Environmental Quality is the Accreditation Body in Louisiana.
Our Texas accreditation number is: T104704293
Our Louisiana accreditation number is: 182004
For more detailed information on NELAP or TNI, please visit their website.
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